Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing This Year


Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish that consists of writing a new list every week based on the given idea/title. Today is all about the books we’re hoping to get for Christmas so let’s get right into it.

1. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell [collector’s edition]

You have to really see this edition of the book in real life to understand how beautiful it is. I don’t think I’ve ever been in Waterstones and not picked this book off the shelf to just stare at it. I’ve heard nothing and amazing things about the story and if I got the collector’s edition of it for Christmas, it would make me very very happy.

2. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green [collector’s edition]

This book isn’t my favourite John Green book but I always see the gorgeous, shiny edition in Waterstones (right after I see Fangirl) and I just gravitate towards it to just look at it for a few minutes. Come on now, we all do it! This edition is really pretty and would look really good on my shelf.

3. Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods by Rick Riordan

I don’t own the Percy Jackson series or the Heroes of Olympus series either (I absolutely loved them though!), but this is the book that I wish for because it whole idea of it is brilliant. Not only for myself but for my sister too who I think would love Greek myths but is  too young for a middle-grade series. Again, the big, hardback, US version is really pretty and, although I’m not sure if it would fit on my shelf the way I would like for it to fit, I’d love to see it under the Christmas tree this year. And, come on, it’s from Percy’s point of view. What more could I want?

4. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins 

I haven’t read Isla yet so I can’t say Anna is my favourite out of Stephanie Perkins’ contemporary novels but Anna is going to be really hard to beat. Earlier in the year, they changed the covers for the books and now they look beautiful so that combined with how much I adore Anna and the French Kiss, there was no way this book was not making this list.

5. Say What You Will by Cammie McGovern

This is a book that I haven’t read but I’ve seen nothing but great things about it. Apparently, it’s similar to The Fault in our Stars and so if it ever gets turned into a movie, however good or bad it might be, there’s always going to be ‘It’s just like TFIOS,’ the same way every paranormal romance is ‘just like Twilight’ and every dystopian is ‘just like The Hunger Games.’ I am really excited to read this and hopefully, if I get it this Christmas, I’ll read it sooner rather than later.

6. Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira

Now, this is getting turned into a movie and apparently it is very good.  The cover is absolutely beautiful and it’s about a girl and how she deals with mourning. As you can see, I don’t know much about it but it does look really interesting. And although I really doubt I’ll get this one, I need to make a mental note to read it soon-ish. Or at least before the film comes out…

7. The Mara Dyer Series by Michelle Hodkin

This one I did put on my wishlist because I know the last one came out not too long ago and the excitement for it was sky-high. It looks great and I hear the romance is fantastic which is always a plus. I haven’t read anything like it before so even if I don’t get it under the Christmas tree this year, I’m really excited to get to this series.

8. Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas

I finished Heir of Fire yesterday, and boy oh boy did I love it! This has become my favourite YA fantasy of all time and I’m really pumped for the rest of them. Heir of Fire is definitely my favourite out of the three out so far and the fact that it is a six book series makes me really happy. All the happiness when good series are long!

9. I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

This is another book that I have not read but I have heard great things about. I’m not sure what else to say apart from that. Not too sure what it’s about but I generally trust the hype and specific people that have said it is brilliant so I need no more convincing on that one. Besides, have you SEEN the cover?

10. The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare

 Favourite trilogy of all time. No more needs to be said apart from the fact that if Santa doesn’t bring me the box set, I’m going out the next day and getting one myself. It’s about time.

So there you have it. I  ended up writing multiple mini raves about book covers, a brief summary of books that I love and books that others love and I want to get to. I even think we have a mini-rant at Say What You Will but I guess the full version could be for another post. Leave me your lists in the comment section and I will check them out.

I HOPE EVERYONE HAS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND GET TO SPEND THIS WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR WITH PEOPLE THEY LOVE. Plus, I hope everyone gets at least one book from their lists this week :3

7 thoughts on “Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing This Year

  1. OMG LOVE THE BOOKS HERE. I need Heir of Fire (though i still need to continue with Crown of Midnight), Anna and the French Kiss, Love Letters to the Dead, and I’ll Give You the Sun. I like your taste in books! 😀 Great list!

    Jillian @ Jillian’s Books


    • Why thank you! I took a break in between Throne of Glass too but then I made sure to read Crown of Midnight and Heir of Fire together which worked really well so I would recommend to do it that way :3


  2. Okay. SO there are two things idk. I didn’t know that Fangirl has another cover and that Love Letters to the Dead is gonna be made into a movie O_O The book has always grabbed my attention but I’ve never wanted it so badly before.

    My Top 10^^


    • I haven’t seen many people with the special edition of Fangirl but I guess it’s just that I see it every single time I go into Waterstones C: I saw an interview with the author about Love Letters to the Dead but I don’t think they have much of it put together yet…


  3. I really need to read Fangirl. Landline was my first Rowell read, and I rather enjoyed her style of writing. Still, I have read so many positive reviews on this one!

    You have such a great selection! The Infernal Devices is another series I really want to begin too :/

    Wishing you the warmest happiest holiday season!

    Sparrow’s TTT


    • Fangirl is one of those that is adored by the reading community yes :3 Ahh I have yet to read a Rainbow Rowell book and it’s so frustrating because they look like really good stories and of course there’s all the praise too. The Infernal Devices are absolutely fantastic! I hope you get to read them soon C:
      Merry Christmas to you too darling!


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