Ten Books That Celebrate Diversity


Diversity! I adore this topic because I love seeing variety in novels, not only because it makes the story more interesting but it also provides visibility for groups of people that may not get enough representation in your everyday fiction novel. So, without further ado, in no particular order, here is my list of books that celebrate diversity and some (but not all because I surely missed some) of the areas they represent:

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell1. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell shows us the differences between two socioeconomic classes as well as having a mixture of characters with different heritages and body types.

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare2 + 3. The Moral Instruments series and The Infernal Devices trilogy both by Cassandra Clare features members of LGBT+ community, characters of different races, ethnicities and religions and not only were they included but I was also really happy with how they affected the character’s decisions and that they were really well written.

The 100 by Kass Morgan4. The 100 by Kass Morgan (I’m cheating a little because I only watch the TV show but shhh) shows us people of the minority groups leading and in power which is amazing to see. We see multiple strong LGBT+ characters as well as a kick ass disabled character which is quite rare.

My True Love Gave to Me edited by Stephanie Perkins #25. My True Love Gave to Me by Stephanie Perkins is by far the most diverse book on this list. I mentioned this in my review of it many months ago but this collection was FANTASTIC. So many races, ethnicities, religions, socioeconomic backgrounds. It blew my mind and I would recommend it to everyone!

More Than This by Patrick Ness6. More Than This by Patrick Ness provides us with a really complex character who happens to be gay and although his sexuality is not the most important thing about him or the story, it does add a great element to how to story unfolds.

The Weight of Water by Sarah Crossan7. The Weight of Water by Sarah Crossan is a book I talk about a lot. The book is about a Polish mother and daughter who move to England in search of a man that has left them many years ago. It includes themes of migration, race, mixed-race relationships and more.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins8 + 9. Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and Heroes of Olympus series both by Rick Riordan are a perfect balance of races and ethnicities which is wonderful to see considering a large amount of children read Riordan’s books. It’s amazing that children are exposed to different races and ethnicities from a young age.

10. The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins is one people tend to forget because the movies completely overlook that Katniss Everdeen was a HARD OF HEARING, MENTALLY ILL, POTENTIALLY ASEXUAL,WOMAN OF COLOUR and that annoys me to no end.

What diverse books are your favourite?

 I’ve been looking into reading some more books with diverse characters so make sure to leave a link to your list in the comments. :3

17 thoughts on “Ten Books That Celebrate Diversity

  1. Great List…. I’ve heard so much about Patrick Ness that I’m adding him to my TBR list. Eleanor and Park is a must on this weeks top ten list . Have a great day 😄.


  2. Eleanor and Park and the Cassandra Clare books were already on my to-read wish list, and I’ll have to check out Patrick Ness. Also, I hadn’t realized those things about Katniss (haven’t seen the movies or read the books yet.) Good list!


    • Oooh, it’s rare to see someone who hasn’t read The Hunger Games or seen the movies! I promise you they’re really good but I’m sure you know that from tonnes of people already. Thank you!


    • Once you read The 100 I’d really recommend watching the show! I’ve heard that the books aren’t as great as the show but I haven’t read them myself so I can’t say ahhh. Thanks :3


  3. I had Heroes of Olympus & The Hunger Games on my list too. There’s actually a lot of diversity in The Hunger Games, it’s a shame that the movies don’t acknowledge that (much as I enjoy them).


  4. I’ve been meaning to read a bunch of these for a while. I really need to up my diverse books game here. I totally didn’t realize all those points about Katniss, so it’s really awesome that you mention it. I think I need to reread the books now.


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