2015 Reading Challenges

I’ve been looking around reading challenges for 2015, I’ve decided on a few that I want to join. Well, there’s definitely way more that I would like to join, but five seems reasonable for my first year of joining in. I’m a really competitive person so challenges get me really motivated and excited about reading. The books I put down below in the categories and lists etc. are not set in stone and it are likely to change as they year goes on. Here they are:

Back to the Classics Challenge 

You can find the full length post with all the information here. This one is all about classic novels which I haven’t read many of so this felt like a perfect way to branch out more with my reading. I am aiming to read nine classics over 2015 but I might go for 12 if there’s time or if I’m really enjoying a particular author etc. I’m going to be taking English Literature for the whole of 2015 so I’m bound to read at least four for school so with those I’m almost half way there. Here are the categories and the books I’m thinking of reading for them:

  1. A 19th century classicPride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
  2. A 20th century classicThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  3. A classic by a female author Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery
  4. A classic in translation – The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas (originally in French)
  5. A very long classicJane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
  6. A classic novella Animal Farm by George Orwell
  7. A classic with a person’s name in the titleAlice’s Adventures in the Wonderland (and Through the Looking Glass) by Lewis Carroll
  8. A humorous or satirical classicThree Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome
  9. A forgotten classicCannery Row by John Steinbeck
  10. A non-fiction classicThe Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
  11. A classic children’s bookPeter Pan by J.M. Barrie
  12. A classic playRomeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

The Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge

You can find the official post here. I’ve been looking for a challenge like this because I organise my reviews in A-Z list format so I want to make sure I have something under most of the letters (I’ll even try to find ones that start with X, Y and Z as opposed to having them in within the title). I won’t change anything with my reading habits because it’s easier to just assign a letter to a book than the other way round. Towards the end of the year I’ll make sure to fill in the gaps.

New Author Challenge

You can find the official post here. This one is pretty self-explanatory. I’ve decided that I’m going to go for 25 new authors in 2015 but if I’m doing well I might push that up to 50. It depends.

TBR Pile Challenge 

You can find the official post here. This challenge is all about those books that have been trying to get your attention for over a year now and you always mean to read them but never actually get to them. You know which ones I mean! You’re meant to read 12 books and have 2 reserves in case one or two of the main dozen you don’t enjoy and just can’t finish. Here is a list of what I’ve chosen:

  1. Lord of the Rings by R.R. Tolkein
  2. Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling
  3. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
  4. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
  5. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
  6. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
  7. Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
  8. The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
  9. Stardust by Neil Gaiman
  10. Cinder by Marissa Meyer
  11. Everybody Sees the Ants by A.S. King
  12. A Game of Thrones by R.R. Martin

And the two reserves

  • Anne of Green Gabes Lucy Maud Montgomery
  • The Giver by Lois Lowry

This isn’t an official blogging challenge but I will also be participating in the Goodreads Reading Challenge which basically involves me setting a goal for myself of how many books I want to read in 2015 and trying to reach it. On January 1st I’m going to set myself a target of 100 books which is just under two books a week so I’m hoping I won’t get too stressed.

It should be a busy year for me but hopefully I can pull all of them off in 2015. What challenges are you taking part in next year? :3

8 thoughts on “2015 Reading Challenges

    • I can’t wait to get started! It was thanks to you that I discovered the 2015 TBR Pile Challenge :3

      Thank you and good luck with yours too!


  1. You have some of my very favorite books in your lists (Pride and Prejudice, Anne of Green Gables, Jane Eyre, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Golden Compass)… enjoy the challenges!


  2. Pingback: Top Ten Goals and Resolutions For 2015 | Book Rambles

  3. Excellent choices for your TBR challenge. Phillip Pullmans trilogy is amazing, you wont be able to stop with just the first one!!! I’ve also been meaning to read LOTR for AGES!!!!! I hope I get round to that one too this year! AND Cinder! 🙂


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