Top Ten Goals and Resolutions For 2015


Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish and today we are talking about the New Year’s resolutions and goals, bookish or otherwise. This one was quite hard for me because I never really make New Year’s resolutions because I know I won’t dedicate myself enough to actually complete them fully. But I did manage to get 10 so here they are:


1. I want to complete all my challenges for 2015

If you haven’t seen see it yet, I have posted my ‘Reading Challenges for 2015‘ last week. This is something that I’m not sure if it’s going to go well or not because I’ve never took part in reading challenges before except the Goodreads one  but that hardly counts because that was years ago and I completely forgot to log my read books and so I lost miserably. I am a very competitive person though so hopefully I can complete all of them.

2. I want to read all of my ‘must reads’ from my TBR pile

I have a few ‘must read’ lists that are basically filled with the popular YA novels that everyone is talking about. From series such as Daughter of Smoke and Bone to Shatter Me to Lux to The Mara Dyer series. I know it’s kind of bad to read books just because everyone else has read them but most if not all of the titles that I have down look like interesting stories so I want to give them a try and, hopefully, I’ll love them too.

3. I want to meet at least 5 authors at book events/signings

This one is out of my control but something I could still influence. I can only really meet authors when they are in my county because I’m not really able to travel to London where all the big authors always have signing events. Not to mention, a lot of my favourite authors had UK tours this year so who knows if they will come to the UK again in 2015. I will try though!

4. Only bring books home/reserve books if I have two or less waiting to be read already

This is targeting a struggle that I have of going into the reading room at my school/school library/local library and picking up every book I’ve ever heard a good thing about. This happened just before we broke up for the Christmas holidays where I took home five books while I already had six books at home. I am still not done with that pile. And that is why I need to change my book-hoarding habits.

5. Spend 30 minutes each day in the book community

It was only when I started writing this list that I realised how many of my fellow book bloggers I connect with so I’m hoping to do something about that. 30 minutes is really not that long but if I do it every day, that’s three and a half hours worth of just commenting on people’s Instagram, Twitter, blogs, etc., which I hope will mean I get to know some more people.

6. Participate in a read-a-thon

I am really picky about read-a-thons because I need to be in the mood and it needs to be a specific time period when I’m off school and I don’t mind spending the duration period under a blanket with a stack of books. I guess it’s also the fact that my reading pace is miles below average and so I would find it frustrating that other people are getting things read and I’m not (I know, I’m competitive like that). But I really want to get involved this year so maybe if there is one during the summer I will definitely get on that.

7. I want to gift at least five books this year

Birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, thank-you presents. I really love buying books in general but buying books for other people is what I find the most fun. Going that extra mile for shipping from the US because they have the prettiest cover, casually finding out if they prefer paperback or hardback and subtly asking what books they have read and enjoyed. I love the whole ordeal and although it can be expensive, I would like to gift at least five books next year.


8. I want to quit eating chocolate

This is on my list every single year but this time I feel motivated. I’m trying to consume all the Christmas chocolate before the new year so I can start right but I really don’t know how that’s going to turn out. It would be really nice to not be tempted to buy chocolate every other time I’m in a supermarket though…

9. I want to get a B in French

I am really, really bad at French at school and I am currently in my last year of taking it. I’m fine with other languages but the French language just does not want to work with my brain.  I started off the academic year wanting an A but my hopes have slipped a little.

10. I would like to say up money

I’m not intending on saving up for anything in particular but I just really like the idea of having money on the side for when a good concert comes up or for a trip to London with my friends. I would also like the reassurance that I am able to not spend all I’ve got as soon as I get it.

19 thoughts on “Top Ten Goals and Resolutions For 2015

    • I’m not quite sure I have the will power if I’m totally honest. Today I did a trial run and failed miserably when I was tempted by some chocolate chip cookies… I’m going to need it. Thank you C:


  1. Good luck with your goals! 😀 I haven’t thought about participating in a read-a-thon – I’ve never done so before – but reading your post makes me think that maybe I’d like to participate in one this year, too.


    • The look like good fun! Especially the challenges. I’m competitive so I like having challenges to guide my reading I guess. I hope you get a chance to participate in one next year! C:


  2. I completely forgot to add my goal of completing all my reading challenges. I’ve only done one challenge so far and to be honest it wasn’t all that challenging, so I’m really excited for this years’ challenges.
    I want to read a must-read list on GR but I’m not sure it would work out for me because when I put books on my TBR all feel like must-reads haha.

    I wish you luck and a Happy New Year! 🙂
    My TTT:


    • I think I went a bit crazy on the challenges haha :3 I guess it’s down to the type of challenges and your own preferences. I hope you have a better year with the challenges though!
      I get what you mean! I feel like they all should be give priority :3 That’s why I’m using the books from one of my favourite booktuber’s ‘favourites’ videos because she got down all the books that have the hype surrounding them C: I suggest find a booktuber that you like and you share a similar taste with and have a look if they’ve done a favourites video :3
      Thank you!


  3. Great goals! Good luck on your reading challenges — I really enjoy them.

    I never managed to give up chocolate, but I did manage to make it only dark chocolate and only the good stuff — so the only temptation at the supermarket is those tiny Ghirardelli bars. That’s been a big help!


    • Thank you :3

      I don’t really like dark chocolate which I guess makes it harder because I would totally take your advice. Maybe in the future when my taste buds change a little I could get into dark chocolate…


    • I think I’ve been in denial too long haha C: I didn’t really look out for any events this year and I missed some of my favourite authors when they were on the UK tour so I hope to change that! Thank you :3


  4. I’m trying to be better with money this year too. There is this great saving thing that you can start at the beginning of the year and it continues through all 52 weeks of the year. So week 1 you save £1, week 2 you add another £2, week 3 add another £3 and keep going all the way through. Once you get to week 52 you should have over £1300!!!
    I used to hate French, I actually swapped to Spanish in school because someone told me it would be easier. I got a D. Oh well, at least I passed!
    Your 2015 challenges look great, I need to read more classics so may actually use your list because it looks great!
    Good luck with your resolutions and thank you for visiting me at Broc’s Bookcase! Happy New Year!


    • Oh yeah I might try that out, thank you :3 My whole family has been telling me for 3 years that I should have taken Spanish but I do really love the French language, I’m just really, really bad at it.
      Thank you! I’ve been hearing all of them are fantastic but Goodreads has lots of lists with the best classics etc. so you can check those out if you want too 😀

      Happy New Year!


  5. YES DEFINITELY READ DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE, best trilogy EVER. I was so glad I read that because of the hype, because initially I looked at the blurb and I was like….. that doesn’t sound that great, but I decided that SO MANY PEOPLE couldn’t be wrong about this book, so I gave it a go. And it was amazing. Probably the best YA series I’ve ever read.

    …. But then again, I haven’t read SO MANY hyped books. Like the Lunar Chronicles… I really need to read the Lunar Chronicles. That would be the highest on my ‘must-read’ list, if I had one.

    I haven’t really met any authors ever… It would be nice to meet at least one this year! Participating in a read-a-thon sounds like it would be fun and it’s very rare that I have that much time to just read books…

    Great resolutions! Good luck with them! 🙂


    • I’m glad you like it! Although I am scared that I won’t have the patience to follow through with the first one because I’ve heard it takes about half the first book to get into it. Ahhhh. Hopefully I’ll love it just as much as you do :3
      The Lunar Chronicles have been getting a lot of love from the reading community in 2014 but I’ve planned to read all three and the prequel book that comes out this month before the last one comes out because if I don it now I’ll just forget all the minor details and the details are what make a series really good for me.
      You should go for it! I met Becca Fitzpatric in November and I was starstruck for the rest of the day. It’s really worth it.
      Thank you very much!


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